
Deep in the forest, surrounded by the trees crowned with heavy leaves, there’s a clear area open up ahead. Through the thick foilage and steep hills, I managed to get through.

Among the field of greens under the scotching sun’s light, there lies one big dandelion with the others. It’s pretty. It’s like seeing the moon with the stars in the dim night sky.

Even in the blazing heat, with pouring sweat, I walked closer to this flower of a star. And as I bend over and shade the dandelion, upon closer inspection, its flower was almost the sized as my palm. It was huge. To admire it further, I carefully pluck its long stem near the root.

Surprisingly, the breeze gracefully past through the thick branches, this deep in the forest. The wind while calm, but enough to cool me down as I held the flower’s green stem in delight. For a flower found everywhere, this is by far the most beautiful one.

For some reason, a tear creeped out, “It is beautiful”, I sob before smiling with a laugh.

“Maybe I’m just tired”, as I wiped off the sweat from my forehead and laid back towards the sun. Fortunately, the clouds came in and more of the wind came by. As I slouthed over, still breathing heavily, I see the many golden petals go along in a circle as one.

But again, it’s just a flower. A simple common flower. One found in clusters in parks, homes, or just about any patch of grass.

There isn’t a significant meaning is there.

It’s like star gazing within the dark hours of night, or reaching out to feel the dripping waters of the harsh rain. There isn’t a reason to do. It might be a waste of time, but the fact that we looked, reached, and admire these sights, I guess, makes it so wonderful.

“God, the things you made, the sky, the land, the ocean, and everything between, it’s all so beautiful”, I smiled as I looked all around, “you really are everywhere”.

I left and went back home as I gently held the dandelion as a reminder that, “no little is meaningless”.

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